(660) 665-6696 (660) 665-6696
24463 Benton Road, Kirksville, MO 63501

Adair County Veterinary Clinic Blog

Planning Your Pet’s Health This Year: A Month-by-Month Guide for Pet Parents

January 14, 2021

Here’s a tail-wagger for you: 2021 is finally here. We are happy to welcome the new year with smiles and a rejuvenated sense of optimism. As a team, we remain committed to providing pets with the best lives they can experience. We’ve resolved to help pet parents find more ways to keep their pets healthy, happy, and ready to take on this year and beyond. To help you keep better track of your pet’s health and maintenance needs, here is a 12-month plan:


The Gift of Health for Your Pet

December 5, 2020

As you’re shopping for the holiday season, you may ask yourself, “What’s the best gift I can give my pet?” While pet sweaters are cute and can make for adorable holiday cards, we believe the best present a pet parent can gift their pet is a healthy, happy life. When you invest in your pet’s wellbeing, you’re giving the most heartfelt gift a pet could ask for (if they knew how to speak). As a pet parent, you are your pet’s advocate for a better life. You’re like Santa but better--you have the opportunity to make your pet merrier every day of the year.


Celebrate Thanksgiving with an Attitude of Gratitude

November 6, 2020

Despite all that has happened in 2020, this year has its hidden gems. From having more time to snuggle with the cat to greeting neighbors working from home on walks with the dog, there is still so much to be thankful for as we approach Thanksgiving.


Providing Exceptional Veterinary Care

Adair County Veterinary Clinic provides veterinary care to Kirksville, MO and surrounding area.

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