(660) 665-6696 (660) 665-6696
24463 Benton Road, Kirksville, MO 63501

Adair County Veterinary Clinic Blog

Pet Safety for this Fourth of July

June 12, 2019

Here are some of the most common questions regarding the Fourth of July and pet dangers. We tried to answer some questions you may have and suggest ways you can help keep your pet safe this Independence Day!


Make the Most of this Summer with Our Summer Safety Tips

May 15, 2019

Summer is the best season to be a dog! The sunshine and great weather lead to endless possibilities of fun outdoor activities. From doggie paddling on a beach summer vacation to leaping through the woods, summer is dog-gone fun!


Pet Poison Prevention: Are You Ready for Spring?

March 12, 2019

It can be scary when your pet has ingested a potentially toxic substance, especially when you didn’t see what he licked or swallowed. To help raise awareness of the issue and prevent illness or fatality in pets, the American Veterinary Medical Association named the third week in March Pet Poison Prevention Week. Below are some hazards you should be especially aware of this time of year.


Providing Exceptional Veterinary Care

Adair County Veterinary Clinic provides veterinary care to Kirksville, MO and surrounding area.

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